Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Story of Him

Him was my best friend wait, maybe it was He...
He was my best friend.

But I wanna talk about Him not He... I suppose in order to know Him first you have to know He. 

He was a happy kid...privileged, good looking, likable. He had basically least everything I wanted. He was least I think He was. He never really did anything to convince me otherwise. 

He and I were good friends. Not great friends, but good. 

Then, when we were on the verge of becoming best friends, He changed. Oh boy did He change. I remember the night when He became Him. He was with me and some other friends. Something happened to He, an accident. It shattered He, and left Him there in his place. 

This was different. Him was different. I was scared of Him. He was never like this, never dangerous, never scary, never reckless. But that was Him. Careless, non-grateful. I was shocked with the new Him, and it scared me. I distanced myself from Him. But now I'm trying to help Him be like He was. Trying to change Him back. Because He was my best friend...and I really really didn't like Him.

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